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Scaling up your interests requires efficient and smart decisions. Report shows that 60% of users experience a growth in their ROI through paper-free processes in less than 12 months and 77% in a period of 18 months. Aside from creating error free documentation and excellent record/accessibility, paper-free processes provide rapid response to customers and enhanced remote ease of access across all channels and mediums.
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Your company is losing time, money and
human resource on paper based processes.

The space occupied in offices by paper storage on average is 13.5%

Office space cost has risen by 19%
Annual increase in the number of documents and paper based processes is 22%

Professionals spend 20-30% daily filing, searching and retrieving paperwork.

Only a minute 5-15% of that time is spent reading those documents.
Lack of efficient management leads to excessive paperwork in business
The general costs involved in paper based processes
Cost of labour to file a document
Cost involved in finding a wrongly filed docume
Operating cost of a single fax machine
Cost required in filing a four drawer lateral filing cabinet
Cost required in filing a four drawer lateral filing cabinet
Maintenance cost of a four drawer lateral filing cabinet
Additional/avoidable costs and irrelevant waste of company resources
Average number of times a document is duplicated or copied
8 minutes
Duration to fax a document
Cost of sending a package between locations is $8 to $15
Sources: Coopers & Lybrand (now Price Waterhouse Coopers), Captaris, Gartner Group and AIIM Market Intelligence report.