Accu-Image Vendor Compliance Portal

The receiving of damaged goods from suppliers have been a problem for companies for years, and as more 3rd party logistics companies grow, the more products they are having to house from more vendors.  Most companies already have penalties in place for the receipt of damaged goods, but the effort it takes to get this refund ends up costing more than its worth to get the refund as it takes hours to properly convey the issue to the supplier.

This is where Accu-Image comes in to help take care of this process flow.  The Vendor Compliance Portal allows for streamlining the workflow of handling these damaged goods reports.  With the elimination of any paper, fields on the portal are auto-filled in to match the shipment off the purchase order eliminating the time to find SKU numbers.  Fields are filled out correctly and neatly rather than missing fields and bad handwriting.  Pictures and videos are able to be appended right to the vendor response form for proof easily identified.  Signature and approval process flow at the tip of your finger to get processes that used to take hours down to minutes.



Vendor Compliance Case Study

West Marine Case Study


Features of Vendor Compliance

